A. 真实性原则
B. 客观性原则
C. 独立性原则
D. 连续性原则
At 0230 on 13 August,you are at mile 610.5 AHP when you see about a mile ahead lights on the water near the left bank. What might you see when you come abreast of these lights? ()
A. Privately maintained buoys at a yacht club
B. Government buoys marking the Hurricane Point dikes
C. Barges moored at the Dennis Landing Terminal
D. A pipeline discharging dredge spoil
A. 观测前应看清竖盘注记形式,定垂直角计算公式
B. 对中、整平经纬仪,量取仪器高并记录
C. 盘左位置瞄准目标,对准标尺确定目标高处,务必使竖盘水准管气泡居中后读数
D. 盘右观测方法同C
E. 读个测回观测垂直角时,各测回间变换垂直度盘起始位置再观测