
You work in a company which is named Wiikigo Corp. The company uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. Now according to the company requirement, you are designing a consolidated repository of performance data. You must make sure that the four requirements below are met: the data collector is used to gather performance information; a single database stores performance information for all instances; performance information that is older than 15 days is deleted; reduce the administrative effort to manage performance to the least. So what action should you perform to achieve this goal? ()

A. You should create a SQL Agent job process on each instance to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.
B. You should configure a management data warehouse process on each instance, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.
C. You should configure an automated server-side trace process on each instance, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.
D. You should create and schedule a single Microsoft SQL Service Integration Services (SSIS) package process, then use this process to store and delete performance data in a single database for all instances.&e


牛某被杀,公安机关经过侦查,抓获犯罪嫌疑人许某和赵某。许某和赵某对实施杀人行为供认不讳,但说他们杀人是陈某花50000元人民币雇佣他们千的。许某和赵某交出了陈某先交给他们的20000元钱,并提供了陈某与他们之间谈话的录音,陈某在谈话中说“今天晚上牛某一个人在家,你们今天就把他干掉,其他30000元事成之后就付。”(经鉴定确为陈某声音)陈某对雇凶杀人一事完全否认。 在法庭审理过程中,公诉方提出该录音证明陈某是本杀人案主犯,但辩护人提出异议,指出“该录音是未经对方同意的私自录音,侵犯了陈某的隐私权,属于非法证据,应当排除”。 请根据我国刑事诉讼法的有关规定和证据学理论分析: 该录音是否属于非法证据,应当排除?为什么?

目前我国部分行业的产能过剩是结构性过剩,从需求来说,既有内需不足,也有部分需求得到了国外商品的满足;从供给来说,低层次产品和产业产能过剩,但高品质产品和产业有效供给不足,低水平的重要建设,某些产品在分工体系中处于低端位置,附加值低,竞争力不足等,是导致产能过剩的重要原因。化解产能过剩,要按照企业主体,政府推动,市场引导,依法处理的办法,对淘汰落后产能的企业和地区,国家在财政支持、不良资产处置、失业人员再就业和生活保障等方面给予支持。同时,要严格控制增量,防止新的产能过剩。 结合材料和所学经济生活知识,分析我国化解产能过剩对相关企业经营发展的重要性,并说明在化解产能过剩中政府是如何发挥推动作用的。


A. 对资质进行认定
B. 对驾驶员甲进行相关安全知识培训
C. 配备必要防护用品
D. 办理夜间行车手续
E. 配备押运人员

