
Which of the following is NOT correct about the cytokines?

A. Small soluble proteins
B. They work only when they bind to cytokine receptors
C. They mainly play an endocrine role
D. They are the messengers of communication between cells
E. They have pleiotropic biological effects


IL-5 may enhance the effects of IL-4 in the class switch to IgE. This property is called

A. Pleiotropism
B. Redundancy
C. Synergism
D. Antagonism
E. Cascade fashion

IL-2 produced by the cells can stimulate their own growth

B. Endocrine
C. Paracrine
D. Pleiotropism
E. Synergism

Which of the followings is not the function of cell adhesion molecules?

A. It is involved in the interaction between immune cells
B. Regulating the activation of immune cells
C. Involved in the adhesion of leukocytes to vascular endothelium in inflammatory response
D. Lymphocyte homing
E. Binding cytokines to mediate cell signal transduction


A. 供给侧结构性改革
B. 健全民主法制
C. 社会公平正义
D. 人民主体地位
