
I’ve rinsed under many a brown shower. Would that count for an environmental toxin?(par.1, p19)

A. be pictured as
B. be impressed as
C. be considered as
D. be celebrated as


I’m talking about patients with rare, exotic diseases like PNH. (par.1, p28)

A. interesting
B. fascinating
C. terrifying
D. unusual

The protein, as it turns out, is essential to the integrity of the basement membrane of the skin. (par.2, p30)

A. completely helpful
B. extremely useless
C. completely necessary
D. extremely normal

Along with the shift in perspective, my story has been turned on its head. (par.1, p31)

A. completely similar
B. completely different
C. completely abnormal
D. completely interesting

Of course, there is always the glimmer of hope that someone in the audience will have a brainstorm, a flash of medical insight. (par.3, p33)

A. faint sign
B. small evidence
C. big sign
D. big evidence
