
患者女性,45岁。因"右侧输尿管结石术后1个月余"就诊。1个多月前,患者因右侧输尿管结石行腹腔镜右侧输尿管切开取石术,并留置右侧输尿管双J管。术后患者自觉右侧腰背部疼痛,食欲不佳,未给予特殊诊治。 患者需进一步完善下列哪些检查()

A. 腹部平扫CT
B. 逆行肾盂造影
C. 静脉肾盂造影
D. 利尿肾图
E. 输尿管镜检查
F. 经皮肾镜检查


The pSeries technical specialist just finished reviewing the system configurations with the customer. The customer requested that many of the availability options,initially configured,be removed due to budgetary constraints. What should be done next?()

A. Remove the availability options,as requested, and place the systems on order.
B. Keep the availability options in the configurations and engage the pricer to provide deep discounting on the solution.
C. Remove the availability options and review the new configurations with the customer,highlighting the potential exposures.
D. Keep the availability options in the configurations, knowing that these options may prevent a critical situation in the future.


2009年10月,齐某为自己购买了一份意外伤害保险,保险期间为一年,保险金额为50万元。齐某指定其妻子为第一顺位受益人,儿子和母亲为第二顺位受益人。2010年6月,齐某遭遇车祸,不幸身亡。 齐某的母亲可向保险公司请求给付的保险金()万元。

A. 0
B. 50
C. 12.5
D. 16.66

为防止疲劳值班,船长和大副应合理地组织和安排值班人员的工作和休息,并:() Ⅰ、避免值班人员在未得到足够的休息的情况下,继续值下一个班,造成连续疲劳 Ⅱ、保证值班人员在值班时具有充足的体力和精力 Ⅲ、保证值班人员绝对没有疲劳

A. Ⅰ
B. Ⅰ、Ⅱ
C. Ⅰ、Ⅲ
D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ
