

A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 60



A. 正确
B. 错误


A. ±40mm
B. ±80mm
C. ±120mm
D. ±160mm

You work as an application developer at Certkiller .com. Certkiller .com has been hired by a small local private school to develop a class library that will be used in an application named ManageAttendance for the purpose of managing student records.You are responsible for developing this class library. Certkiller .com has instructed you to create a collection in the application to store learners’ results. The school has informed you that they currently only have seven learners, but that this value will triple in the following year. Due to the limited resources, you need to ensure that the collection you create consumes a minimum amount of resources. What should you use to create the collection?()

A. The HybridDictionary collection class.
B. The HashTable collection class.
C. The ListDictionary collection class.
D. The StringCollection collection class.

甲公司具有进出口经营权,为了谋取不法利益,与乙公司串通后,两公司利用伪造的出口合同骗取国家税款200万元。税务机关在接到举报后,迅速对该两公司进行的调查,发现其行为涉嫌构成犯罪,依法移送公安机关处理。公安机关进行调查认为,甲公司的主要负责人陈某和乙公司的主要负责人李某对该行为负有主要责任,依法对两人进行了逮捕,并且分别进行了讯问。张某在接受讯问的过程中,主动交代自己的罪行过程,并且交代了自己5年前,曾向丙公司出售空白的增值税发票。公安机关侦查终结后,认为陈某和李某的行为构成犯罪,将二人依法移送检察机关。检察院进过审查,认为两人犯罪事实已经查清,证据确实、充分,依法应当追究刑事责任。检察院依法对陈某以骗取出口退税罪和出售增值税专用发票罪提起公司,对李某以骗取出口退税罪提起公诉。在法院一审判决宣告前,尚有150万的税款无法追回。 根据上述案情,回答下列问题: 根据《刑事诉讼法》的规定,如果案件在审理过程中出现下列情况,应当中止审理()。

A. 公诉人发现案件有需要补充侦查的情况
B. 合议庭认为案件需要补充侦查的
C. 需要通知新的证人到庭的
D. 被告人患精神病的,案件在较长时间无法继续审理的
E. 案件起诉到人民法院后被告人脱逃
