Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following dialogue in a wedding anniversary. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 to 13.Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are holding a family get-together in Wisconsin on the occasion of the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. Armstrong’s parents. In the dialog, about fifty men, women and children from different parts of the U. S. are congregated at a picnic getting acquainted and reacquainted.A: Hello. You must be an Armstrong, too.B: Yes, so far. My name’s Joyce. I think everyone here is either an Armstrong or married to one.A: Did I understand you to say you might be changing your name soonB: Not soon, but hope to one of these days.A: Anyone special in mindB: No, not really. I’m going with someone, but it’s not that serious. What did you say your name wasA: I didn’t say, but it’s Jim. I was named after my uncle -- that man with the horn-rimmed glasses standing over there.B: Oh, yes. I was talking to him a little while ago. His grandfather was the first one to move out from New Jersey back in the 1800’s. Brother! Some crowd here. Say, who’s that funny-looking kid over there -- the one that’s all dressed upA: That’s Joseph P. Armstrong IV. He’s from the Indiana branch of the family.B: You must be from the Western branch, too.A: That’s right, Chicago. How’d you guessB: Your accent gave you away. I also know your father and he lives in Chicago.A: That isn’t fair. And you’re from Massachusetts, rightB: Yes, it’s no good trying to hide my accent. Oh, isn’t it excitingA: Sure. WhatB: Oh, everything. Everybody. Look at Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. They’re having the time of their life. Imagine -- fifty years of marriage! That’s half a century.A: Yes, they’ve seen a lot of changes in the world.B: And such a long and rewarding family life they’ve had. You know what I’m going to do when I get back home I’m going to make a family tree. I’ve got to be sure and talk to everybody here.A: Oh, ooh. Excuse me. I’m supposed to be watching Joseph P. Armstrong IV. I doubt that he can handle himself with those wild little girls.B: You’d better hurry. See you later, Jim. Why did Jim think that Joyce might be changing her name().
A. He thought that she was planning to get married.
B. He thought that she didn’t like her name.
C. He thought that she was not a relative of the Armstrongs.
D. He thought that she would change to name after her mother.
上海中北制药有限责任公司2009年6月有关账户期初余额如下:(单位:元) 库存现金 8000 银行存款 850000 原材料 40000 固定资产 300000 短期借款 150000 应付账款 70000 实收资本 1150000 6月发生经济业务如下: (1)6月5日,从银行提取现金3000元,以备发放工资。 (2)6月8日,用转账支票购入生产运输用卡车一辆,计250000元。 (3)6月15日,大唐生物科技有限公司用价值300000元的材料向本厂投资,材料已验收入库。 (4)6月20日,用银行存款60000元归还向工商银行的流动资金借款。 (5)6月22日,海欣医药公司用银行承兑汇票偿还的前欠货款100000元。 (6)6月28日,以银行汇票20000元偿还欠利华公司的购货款。 [要求] 根据上述材料,回答下列问题: 6月28日的经济业务应当核算的会计账户有( )。
A. “预付账款”
B. “其他货币资金”
C. “银行存款”
D. “应付账款”
惠达公司采用科目汇总表账务处理程序,并采取全月一次汇总的方法编制科目汇总表。2010年7月,惠达公司根据所有记账凭证编制的科目汇总表如下:(单位:元) 科目汇总表 2010年7月 科汇07号 会计科目 本期发生额 借方 贷方 银行存款 251000 249200 应收账款 100000 原材料 50000 90000 生产成本 170000 210000 制造费用 60000 60000 库存商品 210000 220000 固定资产 21000 累计折旧 4600 固定资产清理 56300 应付职工薪酬 40000 40000 应交税费 66500 76000 本年利润 E F 主营业务收入 300000 300000 主营业务成本 220000 220000 销售费用 20000 20000 财务费用 700 700 管理费用 4600 4600 营业外收入 56300 56300 营业外支出 11000 11000 所得税费用 25000 25000 合计 G H [要求] 根据上述材料,回答下列问题: 下列表述中正确的有( )。
A. 字母E的金额为281300元
B. 字母E的金额为356300元
C. 字母F的金额为256300元
D. 字母F的金额为356300元
勤正公司2009年12月份结账后,有关账户的部分资料如下表所示:(单位:元) 账户 期初余额 本期发生额 期末余额 借 贷 借 贷 借 贷 应收账款 E 5500 16300 77500 生产成本 18000 F 45000 15000 库存商品 100000 G 60000 H 主营业务成本 I J 实收资本 500000 0 K 560000 [要求] 根据上表资料,回答下列问题: 字母G和H的金额分别为( )元。
A. 45000
B. 427500
C. 467500
D. 85000