
What’s wrong with Jim

A. a. He’s going through an operation.
B. b. He’s getting sick.
C. c. He’s had an accident.
D. d. He looks good today.


What does the speaker mean

A. a. He was nearly killed by someone.
B. b. He saw a ghost in the house.
C. c. He was scared out of his wits.
D. d. He saw a man rushing at him.

What is this talk mainly about

A. a. The organizational structure of Lampell.
B. b. The executive departments of Lampell.
C. c. The subsidiaries of Lampell.
D. d. The future plan of Lampell.

函数f(x)=|4x3—18x2+27 ]在区间[0,2]上的最小值为________,最大值为________。

设函数f(x)=|x3—1|φ(x),其中φ(x)在x=1处连续,则φ(1)=0是f(x)在x=1处可导的( )

A. 充分必要条件
B. 必要但非充分条件
C. 充分但非必要条件
D. 既非充分也非必要条件
