倾销,是指在正常贸易过程中进口产品以( )进人中华人民共和国市场。
A. 低于正常价值
B. 低于进口价格
C. 低于其正常价值的进口价格
D. 低于其正常价值的出口价格
According to the author the disadvantage of using paper to keep and send information is that ______.
A. it is hard to get enough paper
B. it wastes our time
C. it damages the environment
D. there is too much paper around
下列选项哪一项不属于CIF术语下买方的主要义务( )
A. 自行负担风险和费用,取得进口许可证或其他官方批准证件,并办理货物进口以及必要时经由另一国家过境所需的一切海关手续
B. 在买方有权确定装货时间或(和)目的港时,给子卖方充分通知
C. 自行负担费用取得货物保险
D. 接受符合合同规定的运输单证
The author seems to say that the invention of the computer is ______.
A. not so important as that of the steam and petrol engines
B. at least as important as that of the steam and petrol engines
C. less important than that of the steam and petrol engines
D. far more important than that of the steam and petrol engines
下列选项表述错误的是( )。
A. 记名提单不能转让
B. 不记名提单不需要背书就可以转让
C. 指示提单应当通过背书转让
D. 一般不清洁提单不能转让