What do you need to write throughout the whole semester?
A. 13 reading journals
B. 2 book reports
C. One self-reflection paper
D. Three English poems
We need to write a reading journal when we are reading _______________.
A. a novel
B. a short story
C. a play
D. a poem
What do you need to do for next week's class?
A. Finish writing Reading Journal
B. 1 and hand it in online.
C. Use the online text/video materials to understand the first story "A Worn Path".
D. Group
E. 1 will present a live show in class.
F. Post your questions on Discussion Board.
G. Finish the translation of reading skills and literary terms.
About the grading policy, how much percent does each assignment take? (请写出百分号前面的数字)Reading Journal: ______%Reflective Paper:_______%Presentation:_________%
A. 对
B. 错