()of the following need NOT be entered in the Official Logbook().
A. The testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once each month the vessel is navigated
B. The testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 months the vessel is navigated
C. The actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a port
D. The testing of the line-throwing appliance once every 3 month
A. 微波
B. 双绞线
C. 电磁波
D. 红外线
A. 7
B. 9
C. 11
D. 9.5
在Word 2003中,设置“页眉页脚”命令在()菜单中。
A. “格式”
B. “编辑”
C. “视图”
D. “插入&rdquo