对学生来说,由于知识基础的差异和个性品质的不同,对课程也有很多不适应的地方。比如,新课程提倡的研究性学习,就有很多学生不知所措。一个班少则有四五十人,多则六七十人,要进行有效的合作的探究,难度很大。据上课教师分析,在研究性学习过程中是那些主动性强的学生受益,三分之二的学生是跟着走或跟不上。在众多的课堂实践活动中,表现突出的只是那些性格外向的学生,性格内向的学生只能做旁观者。这种情况很容易导致学生出现两极分化。 问题:
A. 正确
B. 错误
刘某为甲公司的董事。甲公司与乙公司签订一购销合同,甲公司在预先支付了数额巨大的货款后得知,乙公司已经严重亏损,资不抵债,没有任何履约能力,且甲公司的预付款已被当地银行划走抵充银行欠款。 刘某得知这一消息,认为此次公司损失巨大,必定会影响本公司股票价格。他首先将自己手中的本公司股票抛售,还建议好友王某等人也抛出该股票。 半月后,甲乙公司购销合同事宜通过媒体向社会公布,消息一出,甲公司股价跌落50%。刘某的行为是什么违法行为?
You are the administrator of your company’s network. A user named Tom in the art department wants to update his Windows 2000 Professional computer so that he can view graphics at the highest resolution. Tom downloads a video card driver from the Internet and then asks of your assistance in installing it. You are unsure of the source of driver. You want to ensure that Tom does not loose productive time because of the incompatible driver. What should you do?()
A. Install the driver in the computer. Save after installing the driver. Restart the computer, then use the last known good configuration to recover the original driver
B. Install the driver in the computer. Save after installing the driver, use hardware troubleshooter then use Recovery Console to recover the original driver
C. Display the advance attributes a parallel works for video card driver file. Install the file, if the contents have been secured
D. Run file signature verification survey to verify that the driver has a digital signature. Do not install otherwise.
A. 民航局
B. 国家无线电管理委员会
C. 地方政府
D. 民航地区管理局