A. 咬合面
B. 前磨牙唇、颊颈部
C. 颊面窝沟
D. 舌侧
A. 牙周病
B. 牙髓炎
C. 龋病
D. 根尖周炎
A. 面部
B. 全口牙齿
C. 口腔黏膜
D. 舌苔
Complete the sentences with suitable expressions from the collocation box.Make changes where necessary. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.1. _____________ is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source in the world.2. With the help of technicians,_____________can be installed without damaging the roofs.3. A(n)____________ is a group of consumers that show some level of interest in a market offer.4. The bicycle shop has ______________ by combining mail order and retail sales.5. ______________ abroad is more difficult than developing new businesses.