
Complete the sentences by choosing suitable expressions in brackets.1 Do you want to eat at the school canteen or ___________ (order in / in order for) a pizza?2 __________________ (Once in a while / For a moment or two) he hesitated, embarrassed and seemingly at a loss for words. Then he answered the question in a low voice.3 If he goes on like this at college, he’ll never ____________ (turn out to / amount to) anything.4 Tom is scared that they are going to laugh at him, ___________ (or worse / or better), isolate him.5 She just now ______________ (bumped into / came up) one of her high school classmates on campus.6 It’s OK to take good memories from high school with you to college, but make sure not to ______________ (catch up in / get caught up in) them.7 Change can cause harm, particularly if we are not prepared to______________ (adjust to / account for) it.8 Both teachers and students have powerful reasons to ___________ (hold up / hold fast to) their traditional positions.


Choose the proper definitions for the underlined expressions.

在讨论汽车电气系统的特点时,技师甲说:负极搭铁能减少蓄电池电缆铜端子在车架车身连接处的电化学腐蚀,因此汽车多采用负极搭铁。技师乙说:汽车车架是钢铁产品,它的导电性比铜差, 因此不能用作导线。谁正确?

A. 技师甲对
B. 技师乙对
C. 都对
D. 都错

在讨论汽车用电电压时,技师甲说:汽油机的供电电压是12v,发电机又是主要电源,因此发电机的发电电压为12V。技师乙说:由于汽车上各个用电设备的额定电压为12V,因此一旦供电 电压超过12v,就会导致用电设备的烧损。谁正确?

A. 技师甲对
B. 技师乙对
C. 都对
D. 都错

在讨论汽车电气设备的特点时, 技师甲说:汽车上的各个系统都是并联的,因此当某一系统故障时,其他系统仍可以正常工作。技师乙说:汽车上的各个系统都是并联的,因此保护装置(熔断器)和开关也是并联在相关电路中的。谁正确?

A. 技师甲对
B. 技师乙对
C. 都对
D. 都错
