A. .湿热淋证
B. .湿热黄疸
C. .湿温初起,湿重于热
D. .湿温初起,热重于湿
E. .风湿表证
A. .外感风寒,内伤湿滞
B. .湿热下注,蕴结下焦
C. .湿困脾胃,运化失常
D. .脾胃湿热内蕴,郁蒸不解
E. .湿热之邪,弥漫三焦
Whenis the packageestimated to be delivered?
A. a. On 14 January2014.
B. b. On 29 January 2014.
C. c. On the day after the shippingdate.
Whowill pay for thepurchase?
A. a. Optimums Trading Co.
B. b. Kin Cube Inc.
C. c. One of Kin Cube Inc.'s customers.
Which of the following isacceptable according to the return policy?
A. The customer is allowed to return no more than 20% of the goods.
B. The customer needs to pay 20% of the purchase price to return the goods.
C. A 20% discount will be offered to the customer who would like to return the goods.