病人,男性,18岁。高热3天,行温水擦浴时,禁忌擦浴的部位是( )
A. 面部、腹部、足部
B. 胸前区、腹部、足底
C. 面部、背部、腋窝
D. 腘窝、腋窝、腹股沟
E. 肘窝、手心、腹股沟
He proved himself a ________ successor to the former Prime Minister.
A. worthwhile
B. worthless
C. worthy
D. worth
The ghostly presence was just a (n)_________ sensation of some people.
A. objective
B. subjunctive
C. subjective
D. ejective
He was caught ______ when the judge produced the evidence against him.
A. off-limit
B. off-site
C. off-side
D. off-balance