
General design, logical design and high-level design are also know as:

A. functional design
B. structural design
C. detailed design
D. architectural design


The output from architectural design is:

A. test case design
B. structural design
C. the list of modules and their interfaces.
D. detailed design

From the viewpoint of abstraction, why is part of architectural design performed as part of the first step in Object-Oriented Analysis?

A. the subsystems are determined by the aggregation of certain objects.
B. classes are structured by creating inheritance hierarchies (or lattices in the case of multiple inheritance).
C. modular decomposition is performed when the classes are determined.
D. when this approach is undertaken the use of structured Class Responsibility Collaboration (CRC) cards is mandated.

Modular design, physical design and low-level design are also known as:

A. functional design
B. structural design
C. detailed design
D. architectural design

During detailed design ( ) and ( ) are specified.

A. algorithms, data structures
B. modules, interconnections
C. subsystems, modules
D. subsystems, interfaces
