
A summary of an event should be the following except:

A. a logical conclusion
B. an emotional appeal
C. a rational analysis
D. an overall interpretation


( )标签的工作频率是3~30MHz。

A. 低频电子标签
B. 高频电子标签
C. 特高频电子标签
D. 微波标签

Please fill in the blanks with appropriated words/expression.1. We will appreciate it if you reply to (1)(确认)the payment terms soon.2. Should you favor us with easier payment terms, we shall order (2) (大量)3. In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are preapared to accept payment by(3)(30天付款交单方式收取货款)4. We regret that we are unable to consider your request for payment by (4)(承兑交单)5. The request for easier payment terms (5)(不得不)their funds being (6)(资金被许多业务占用)6. In order to conclude this transaction, we are prepared to accept(7) (50%用电汇,余额全部用即期付款交单方式支付)7. We adopt (8) (分期付款方式)for some special commodities.8. We will draw on you by our (9)(即期跟单汇票)on colletions basis.9. We propose to pay by (10)(见票后30天付款的汇票承兑交单). Please confirm it if this is acceptable to you.10. We trust that you will (11)(及时付款)within one week.11. Easy payment will not only (12)(有利于)this transction but also bring along term cooperation between us.12. It appears that the amount of $ 5,000 for last transaction has not been (13)(结账).13. Please note that delay in payment will seriously(14)(损坏声誉)in business world.

马氏体不锈钢的w(Cr)一般在( )%范围内

A. 12-30
B. 12-18
C. 18-30
D. 15-30

( )马氏体不锈钢不仅中温瞬时强度高,而且中温持久性能及蠕变性能也相当优越,耐应力腐蚀及冷热疲劳性能良好

A. 高铬
B. 高纯
C. 普通
D. 热强
