
When does the accommodation officer think other accommodation will be available?

A. In the next few days.
B. In the next few weeks.
C. Not for along while.
D. He doesn't know.


The accommodation officer received details of some accommodation ______.

A. the day before Martina made the appointment.
B. the day Martina made the appointment.
C. the day after Martina made the appointment.
D. the day before he met Martina.

某建设项目及其主要生产车间的有关费用见下表,则该生产车间新增固定资产价值为()万元。 某项目及主要车间有关费用表

A. 645.37
B. 830.00
C. 642.50
D. 792.70


A. 分支线少、埋设深、检修周期短和可燃、易燃和损坏时对建筑物基础安全有影响的工程管线应远离建筑物
B. 当工程管线与铁路或公路交叉时宜为垂直交叉布置。在受条件限制时,可以倾斜交叉布置,其交叉角不宜小于45°
C. 一般各管线从道路红线向道路中心线方向平行布置次序为:电力电缆、电信电缆、燃气配气、给水配水、燃气输气、给水输水、热力干线、雨水排水、污水排水
D. 当工程管线交叉敷设时,自地表向下的排顺顺序宜为:电力管线、热力管线、燃气管线、给水管线、雨水排水管线、污水排水管线
E. 电信线路与供电线路通常不合杆架设

It can be inferred from the text that in Britain euro has been accepted

A. gradually and substantially.
B. noticeably and spiritually.
C. inevitably and sensibly.
D. verbally and momentarily.
