__________ A) She's bored with the present job. B) She is going to make a move. C) She hates commuting to work. D) She has a bad sleep at night.
He was __________ willing to accept the terms of selling his company at a high price. A.too B. only C. only too D. too only
小小说起步于上个世纪80年代,对其创作产生影响的是20世纪50年代前苏联和东欧的小小说以及中国古代笔记体小说。其时,现代主义大潮__________,五花八门的新概念、新技法令人__________,影响着新时期以来小说的创作与发展。而此时的小小说创作却于小说主流大潮之外,其发展的过程始终缺乏现代主义的精神。 依次填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.风云突变 应接不暇 踟蹰 B.汹涌澎湃 目不暇接 游走 C.风起云涌 眼花缭乱 游离 D.日新月异 扑朔迷离 徘徊
根据所听到的内容作答_____. A)He was satisfied with his military service. B)It was the first time he had been abroad. C)He had never been on a warship. D)He had been on the warshiD before.