患者,女性,22岁,心悸、手抖、怕热、 烦躁5个月,查体:轻度突眼,甲状腺l度肿大,心率130次/分,手指细震颤(): T3、T4高于正常,TSH降低。该患者首选的治疗是
A. 抗甲状腺药物
B. 手术切除部分甲状腺
C. 放射性核素治疗
D. 切除甲状旁腺
E. 抗甲状腺药物治疗稳定后放射性碘治疗
What can be inferred based on the description of the comets center as a potato?
A. The comet has holes and bulbs like a potato.
B. The surface of the comet is too smooth to resemble a potato.
C. The comet is as smooth as people expected.
D. Some parts of the comet haven"t been smoothed.
What are the suggestions that the tutor gave to Ana on her course settlement in the foundation year?[Clink on 2 answers. ]
A. She can only take six modules.
B. She could take German as an option next year.
C. She needs IELTS for the first year of the degree.
D. She should take English as a foreign language.