

A. 皮肤的病证
B. 肌腠的病证
C. 肺卫的病证
D. 外邪犯表的病证
E. 外科疮疡病证



A. 咽干少饮
B. 渴喜冷饮
C. 渴喜热饮
D. 嗽水不咽
E. 大渴引饮

下列症状中,与真实假虚证无关的( )。

A. 神情默默
B. 倦怠懒言
C. 脉象按之无力
D. 声高气粗
E. 腹满拒按

Dialogue 2R: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?G: Yes, please. (1)R: May I have your name, sir?G: Saint Louis.R: Thanks. Let me see. (2). You’ve reserved a double room with 2 guests, haven’t you?G: Yes.R: Are you going to stay for one nights?G: No, I won’t leave until Dec.13.R: I see. So you will be in our hotel for 3 nights from Dec.10 to 13.G: That’s right.R: OK. How would you like to pay?G: (3), is it OK?R: Yes, no problem. Could you kindly complete the registration form?G: Sure.

A. I booked a room before I was leaving from US.
B. I made a reservation before I was leaving from US.
C. I made a call before I was leaving from US.
D. I made a reserve before I was leaving from US.

Dialogue 2R: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?G: Yes, please. (1)R: May I have your name, sir?G: Saint Louis.R: Thanks. Let me see. (2). You’ve reserved a double room with 2 guests, haven’t you?G: Yes.R: Are you going to stay for one nights?G: No, I won’t leave until Dec.13.R: I see. So you will be in our hotel for 3 nights from Dec.10 to 13.G: That’s right.R: OK. How would you like to pay?G: (3), is it OK?R: Yes, no problem. Could you kindly complete the registration form?G: Sure.

A. Yes, we do have your reservation
B. Yes, we have your reservation
C. Yes, we do have you reserve
D. Yes, we do have you reservation
