
In the United States, the US supreme court is the final ___________ of the constitution and has the power to rule on the constitutionality.

A. interpret
B. interpersonal
C. interpreter
D. interpretation


of the actions of the other two branches of government as well as those of the states and other governmental __________.

A. entities
B. entitles
C. entity
D. entitled

Through judicial __________ of the meaning of the constitution, the court can broaden or limit the powers of the President and the Congress.

A. elaborate
B. elaboration
C. elaborately
D. election

In so doing, the court __________life into the Constitution, making it a “living” document that changes as the nation changes.

A. breaches
B. breath
C. breathe
D. breathes

Codified constitutions normally consist of a __________, which sets forth the goals of the state and the motivation for the constitution, and several articles containing the substantive provisions.

A. preached
B. preamble
C. prepared
D. preambled
