1927年10月,毛泽东率领秋收起义部队开辟和创建的农村革命根据地是( )。
A. 井冈山革命根据地
B. 湘鄂西革命根据地
C. 闽浙赣革命根据地
D. 左右江革命根据地
1929年,毛泽东主持制定了“没收一切公共土地及地主阶级的土地”的是( )。
A. 《中国土地法大纲》
B. 《关于清算、减租及土地问题的指示》
C. 《井冈山土地法》
D. 《兴国土地法》
A. 瓦窑堡会议
B. 黎平会议
C. 古田会议
D. 遵义会议
根据中文句子填空,首字母已给出。请注意使用正确时态。1. 来到佐治亚州的每位游客都被当地人的善良、可爱和热情好客所深深打动。Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by the kindness, charm and h______________ of the people.2. 狂欢节游行场面热烈,蔚为大观。The carnival parade was a magnificent s______________.3. 他去云南旅游时品尝了当地特色美食竹筒饭。When he traveled to Yunnan province, he tasted bamboo tubular rice, a local s_____________.4. 药物滥用是一个非常复杂的问题,不能用简单的零容忍方法来解决。Drug misuse is too complex a problem to be solved with a s______________, zero tolerance approach.5. 这是个沉闷的小镇,没几个人会愿意在此逗留。It is a dreary little town where few would choose to l____________.6. “慈善捐赠” 通常意味着由捐赠者决定给多少、给什么项目和给谁。“C_____________ giving” usually means that the donor decides how much to give, for what and to whom.7. 在经历了多年的欺凌之后,她在加入了一个模特社团之后找到了自信。After years of b____________, she found her confidence when she joined a modelling agency.8. 火车延误让乘客们非常生气,许多人在微信朋友圈中表达了自己的不满。The train delays angered passengers, many of whom took to WeChat Moments to v_________ their frustration.9. 他一边往家走一边继续思考那个问题。He continued to p___________ the problem as he walked home.10. 他们请来了一位专家顾问来监督设备的精确安装。They brought in a specialist consultant to o___________ the precise installation of the equipment.