What is the fundamental(基本) concept of the GMDSS?
A. It is intended to automate and improve existing digital selective calling procedures and techniques.
B. It is intended to automate and improve emergency communications in the maritime industry.
C. It is intended to provide more effective but lower cost commercial communications.
D. It is intended to provide compulsory vessels with a collision avoidance system when they are operating in waters that are also occupied by non-compulsory vessels.
What is defined as an area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage area of at least one MF coast station, in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO?
A. Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IOR
B. Sea Area A4
C. Sea Area A3
D. Sea Area A2
Which of the following regarding AAIC (accounting authority identification code) is false?
A. The AAIC of vessels registered in China is HX08
B. The AAIC of vessels registered in China is CN03.
C. It is a unique code assigned by the ITU to identify an accounting authority.
D. It should be submitted to the operators ashore when ships are requesting services from CRS.
Which frequency does COSPAS-SARSAT EPIRB use for transmission of distress signals?
A. 156.525 MHz
B. 406 MHz
C. 1.6 GHz
D. 121.5 MHz
If a ship, in accordance with the requirements of regulation 7.1.2, is fitted with a VHF radio installation, shall, while it is at sea, maintain a continuous watch on:
B. VHF CH70.
C. 2,187.5 KHz.
D. All of these. B