
What is Dr. Martinson's most probable identity according to the passage?

A well-known professor from the K. C. Innovation University.
B. The next president of K. C. Innovation University after the author retires from his position.
C. The last president before the author took his current position as the new president.
D. The vice-president of the university who is working under the author now.


A.Most of us should take more exercise.B.It's better to live in the town.C.The brain c

A. Most of us should take more exercise.
B. It's better to live in the town.
C. The brain contracts if it is not used.
D. The more one uses his brain, the sooner he becomes old.


A. 施工组织设计
B. 招标文件
C. 工程量清单
D. 报价编制方法


A. 先次跨,后中跨,再边跨
B. 先边跨,后次跨,再中跨
C. 先中跨,后次跨,再边跨
D. 先边跨,后中跨,再次跨


A. 100
B. 200
C. 300
D. 400
