A. 重新进行验收
B. 返工重做后才能验收
C. 予以验收
D. 按协商文件进行验收
人们常把黄河比喻为中华民族的母亲河;把大运河比作中华民族的生命之河、智能之河。那是因为大运河是世界上开凿时间最早、规模最大、工程最长的运河。它经历了上千年的沧桑风雨,养育了一代又一代的中华儿女,积淀了内容丰富、底蕴深厚的运河文化,记录了中国古代政治、经济、文化、科技、军事等方方面面的丰富信息。它是中国悠久历史的缩影,是中国人民智慧和勤劳的结晶,是中华民族弥足珍贵的物质和精神财富,是中华文明传承发展的纽带,有人称它是一个“魂”。 题于中它所指的“魂”是()。
A. 黄河
B. 大运河
C. 中国人民的智慧和勤劳
D. 母亲河
A. prosperity
B. boom
C. bustle
D. gloom
According to the passage, which of the following is a factor that is threatening the survival of coral reef communities?
A. The waters they inhabit contain few nutrient resources.
B. A decline in nutrient input is disrupting their symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae
C. The degraded waters of their marine habitats have reduced their ability to carry out photosynthesis
D. They are too biologically complex to survive in habitats with minimal nutrient input.
E. Waste by-products result in an increase in nutrient input to reef communities.