
[音频]Listen and fill in the missing words. All answers are in lower case.Tom and Jane took the country by --(01)--. They decided to go on their honeymoon before their wedding --(02)--. Usually, a couple gets married first, but they decided to be --(03)--. They took three months off work and travelled to their hearts’ --(04)--. “We are free to come and go as we --(05)--,” said Tom. “There are no rules. We get up when we want to, we eat when we want to, we make stops at our leisure. We are not --(06)--to anyone. This is our journey,” replied Jane. “We are free like --(07)--.”Tom and Jane couldn’t ask for a better --(08)--. They are travelling with “love”. They will definitely have something to talk about down the --(09)--, as they have kids, and recount the wonderful –(10)-- on this life’s journey. They will talk about places, sites, –(11)--and people they met along the way and –(12)--the special moments spent together.“What else can you ask for,” said –(13)--, Amy Smart. “Happiness is a state of mind, sharing it with someone special makes it that much more interesting. Happier people have better overall health and live longer. They have –(14)-- to give. Enjoyment in daily activities will only balance your life. Why not share it with that –(15)--person.”





