Task 1 Based on the information you have just heard from the passage, rearrange the time order of the love story by placing a proper number next to each sentence.
Task 2 Now listen to the passage again. Match how Emma reacted to what Kyle did to her before they began to date.
A. 市场需求会稳步快速增长;
B. 创业者能够获得利用该机会所需的关键资源;
C. 创业者不会锁定在“刚性的创业路径”上,中途可调整创业的“技术路径”;
D. 创业者可能创造新的市场需求;
A. 盈利时间
B. 市场规模和结构
C. 资金需要量
D. 投资收益
A. 定性评价方法
B. 定量评价方法
C. 标准打分矩阵法
D. 温斯丁豪斯法