用户致电服务台报告工作站问题。哪三个问题会产生对故障排除最有用的信息?(选择三个。) A user calls the help desk to report a workstation problem. Which three questions would produce the most helpful information for troubleshooting? (Choose three.)
A. 如果你收到错误消息,那是什么? If you received an error message, what was it?
B. 你是否在工作站上使用了网络监控工具? Have you used a network monitoring tool on your workstation?
C. 你对工作站进行了哪些更改? What changes have you made to your workstation?
D. 你的工作站上运行的是什么操作系统版本? What operating system version is running on your workstation?
E. 你是否执行了备份最近? Have you performed a backup recently?
F. 你的工作站有保修吗? Do you have the warranty for your workstation?
物理层网络连接问题的两个常见原因是什么?(选择两项。) What are two common causes of a physical layer network connectivity problem? (Choose two.)
A. 以太网电缆插入了错误的端口 an Ethernet cable plugged into a wrong port
B. 显示器未插入 a monitor unplugged
C. 未分配的 IP 地址 an unassigned IP address
D. 默认网关不正确 an incorrect default gateway
E. 以太网电缆有问题 a faulty Ethernet cable
型号为CPM1A-40CDR-D的PLC,它表示的含义包括如下几部分:它是基本单元,内部包括()、( )、( )及( )。
型号为CPM1A-40CDR-D的PLC,其输入输出总点数为( )点,其中输入点数为()点,输出点数为()点;其输出类型为( );电源为()V。