A. lgK(MY)≥6.0
B. lgK'(MY)≥6.0
C. lg[csp K(MY)]≥6.0
D. lg[cspK'(MY)]≥6.0
[Cr(OH)(C2O4)(en)(H2O)] 名称为,中心离子的配位数为_____。
配合物[FeF6]3-中Fe3+采取的杂化轨道类型是 ,[Ni(CN)4]2-中Ni2+采取的杂化轨道类型是 。
Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter is set in 17th century _______.
A. Catholic Boston.
B. Puritan Boston
Catholic Massachusetts
D. Puritan Massachusetts
What do you mean by this word “autumnal”when Hawthorne mentions "an autumnal woman" in the selected chapter ?
A. iron- hearted
B. strong-minded
C. older than middle-aged
D. gossipy