
【程序改错】题目:函数fun的功能是:求出两个非零正整数的最大公约数,并作为函数值返回。例如,若给num1和num2分别输入49和21,则输出的最大公约数为7。请改正程序中的错误,使它能得出正确的结果。要求:请将程序在VC++6.0等环境中编辑运行,并将修改后的程序及运行结果截图上传。--------------------------------------------------------注意:不可以增加或删除程序行,也不可以更改程序的结构。------------------------------------------------------#includeint fun(int a,int b){int r,t;if(a


Fill in the blanks with words from the following boxes in their proper forms.

It was quiet those big trucks started coming through the town.

A. before
B. after
C. until
D. unless

We were told that we should we should follow the main road we reached the central railway station.

A. whenever
B. until
C. while
D. wherever

The children ran away from the orchard( 果园 ) they saw the guard.

A. the moment
B. after
C. before
D. as
