
An average word has three component parts:______, ______, and _______.

A. meaning
B. sound
C. denotation
D. connotation


"Spring" has many denotations, such as_________.

A. the first season of the year
B. the act of jumping up
C. the water coming up from the ground
D. an object, usu. a length of metal wound round, which can be forced together or pressed down, and will return to its original shape when let go
E. the quality of the object (弹性)

"Songs of Innocence" includes the following poems:

A. The Lamb
B. Night
C. A Dream
D. The Tyger

"Songs of Experience" includes the following poems:

A. The Sick Rose
B. Holy Thursday
C. The Tyger
D. The Lily

Six English famous poets include_______, _______,______,______,______,________.

A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. William Blake
C. William Shakespeare
D. John Milton
E. William Wordsworth
F. Edmund Spenser
