There are two kinds of trains in New York subway : express train and local train, the logo of local train shape is ________ shape.(纽约地铁分快线和慢线,慢线地铁的标志是________形状。)
A. circular
B. diamond
C. square
The entrance to the subway is usually located at the street corner, and the sign of the entrance is the capital English letter ________.(地铁的入口通常在街道的拐角处,地铁是以大写英文字母________为代表的。)
A. M
B. T
C. B
The bus doesn't have to stop at the station, you need to ________ to signal driver to stop.(公交到站并不一定要停车,你需要________告知司机停车。)
A. pull cord
B. ring the bell
C. cry out
以下哪些电影作品是李雪健主演的( )
A. 《横空出世》
B. 《焦裕禄》
C. 《让子弹飞》
D. 《杨善洲》
电影《杨善洲》中杨善洲为老百姓示范的插秧技术是____ 。