

A. 对
B. 错


Word BankA) uncomfortableB)inevitableC) noticedD) surprisedE) negotiateF) themselvesG) complainH) crushedI) chargeJ) assignmentsK) facultyL) mistakesM) controlN) pleadO) adultsOne day, at the registrar’s office of a college, I 1 how parents are behaving with their college-age children nowadays. Obviously students are young2and can handle registration by3, but their parents completely4the situation. In a seminar for teaching assistants, I was 5 to hear that parents often go to their office to6about marks and 7 their children have got. What I have seen and heard has left me feeling8. Unlike my parents allowing me to make9in my life, parents of today’s college students seem never to give their children a chance to take10.

阅读程序,写出运行结果(类的继承)#include class chair{public:chair( ){cout<<"create chair."<

阅读程序,写出运行结果(类的多态性)#include class Win{public:virtual void shape( ) { cout<<"Win"<shape();p1 = &b1;p1->shape();p1->act();}


A. 逐户访问法
B. 连锁介绍法
C. 中心人物法
D. 委托助手法
