

A. 对
B. 错


Compare each pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one.scare scared1.A lot of people are____________ of flying.2.Don’t let the noise ___________ you. It’s only the wind.passion passionable3.He has a ___________ for golf.4.Joe is ___________ about baseball.bare barely5.We ____________ had time to catch the train.6.The boy likes to walk on the sand with __________ feet.curse cursed7.His wealth proved a ____________ to him.8.All his life, he’s been ___________ with bad luck

Add the prefix “over-” to the words given below. Then complete the following sentences with the words thus formed. Change the form if necessary.excited tired sleep grown work1. I’m really sorry for being late. I forgot to set my alarm and I___________.2. You look tired. Do you___________ these days?3. The garden was_________ with weeds (杂草).4. The team were __________ after three days and three nights' work.5. Don’t get yourself_________ before bedtime, or you’ll find it hard to fall asleep.

【实训项目名称】我的前程—— Hello51job【实训任务】(1)完成招聘网站职位搜索页内容的爬取(2+) 。(2)解析招聘网站职位搜索页内容(2+)。(3) 将解析的数据存储到文件中(.txt)(4)将遇到的问题,记录下来,通过讨论区、直播课堂进行交流、解决。(5)加分项:可以使用录屏软件(Camtasia、录屏大师等),讲解项目任务情况,格式为MP4,给予重点加分。(5)提交要求:在答案区通过“上传附件”进行(不要压缩,一个一个上传)。视频文件也是一起上传。(6)注意文件命名规范:XX同学_HelloXXX(网站名).py、(XXX同学_HelloXXX__任务完成讲解视频.mp4)。


A. 在核糖体上
B. 在tRNA上
C. 在mRNA上
D. 在rRNA上
E. 在DNA上
