
listen to the transmission or shortexchangeand choose the correct answer.[音频] 题干和音频6 是一个短对话,呼号有错,不一致,不管

A. Fly runway heading to 3000 feet
B. Maintain 3000ft until the outer maker
C. Fly runway heading to 2500 feet
D. Maintain 2500ft until the outer maker


Listen to the transmission or short exchangeand choose the correct answer.

A. Heavy rain
B. Dense drizzle
C. Dense fog
D. Heavy snow

listen to the transmission or short exchangeand choose the correct answer.

A. Too fast to make a safe landing
B. Too high to land on the runway
C. Too low to the surrounding terrain
D. Too close to the preceding aircraft


A. 见红
B. 胎膜破裂,羊水流出
C. 已到预产期,孕妇感到腰酸,胎动多
D. 规律而逐渐强的宫缩,伴进行性宫颈管消失,宫颈扩张和胎先漏下降
E. 不规律宫缩伴见红


A. 假临产
B. 胎儿下降感
C. 见红
D. 规律宫缩
E. 破水
