
The first question we now discuss is _______ we should go there early tomorrow.

A. whether
B. where
C. what
D. whom


The auto industry spends large amounts of money on marketing compaigns young adult customers.

A. attract
B. attracted
C. to atrract
D. attracts

The following is a list ofspecialtermsaboutairport items.You are required to find the items equivalent to (与...等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then put the corresponding letters in the brackets.A—assembly lineB—packerC—forkliftD—explosive materialsE—fire extinguisherF—loading dockG-machine operatorH—electrical hazardl—conveyor beltJ—safety bootsK—shipping clerkL—time cardM—warehouseN—hard hatO—earplugP—hand truckQ—safety earmuffsExamples:(F) 装载码头(K) 运务员

增值税一般纳税人收取的下列款项中,应作为价外费用并入销售额计算增值税销项税额的有( )。

A. 商业企业向供货方收取的与商品销售量挂钩的返还收入
B. 生产企业销售货物时收取的包装费
C. 设计企业提供设计服务向客户收取的提前完成奖励费
D. 4S 店销售汽车同时向购买方收取的代购买方缴纳的车辆购置税、车辆牌照费

【案例】随着疫情的稳定,小奥餐馆的生意逐渐恢复起来。在几个合伙的同学商量之下决定提升餐馆的服务以吸引更多的顾客。于是他们打算重新采购一批较为舒适环保的餐桌餐椅,来替换之前陈旧的桌椅。宜家公司的销售员说,买 10 套桌椅,每套 500 元(不含税,下同),买 15 套及以上桌椅,每套 400 元;集美公司的销售员说,每套桌椅 450 元,但是您可以分四期付款,每次付全款的 25%。【思考 1】假如小奥餐馆在宜家公司购买了 16 套桌椅,宜家公司确认多少的销售额?(假设发票符合开具规定)【思考 2】假如小奥餐馆在集美公司购买了 16 套桌椅后,集美公司称,如果 10 天内付款,货款折扣 2%,如果20 天内付款,货款折扣 1%,在这种情况下集美公司确认多少的销售额?
