

A. 只能在具备封闭边界的区域内进行
B. 可以在任意指定的区域内进行
C. 不能在具备封闭边界的区域内进行
D. 只能在具备封闭边界的区域外进行



A. 斜撇斜捺笔锋收笔
B. 回锋撇
C. 撇要直
D. 捺一般写成顿笔收笔的长顿点


A. 沃森与克里克提出了DNA双螺旋结构理论
B. 富兰克林拍摄的x射线衍射图
C. 沃森与克里克判断DNA并非以往猜想的三链结构

请再次阅读关于前面读过的“naked mole rat”学术短文,‎并从中选出哪句话作者在阐述自己论文贡献的“新的理解”The naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) displays exceptional longevity, with a maximum lifespan exceeding 30 years. This is the longest reported lifespan for a rodent species and is especially striking considering the small body mass of the naked mole rat. In comparison, a similarly sized house mouse has a maximum lifespan of 4 years. In addition to their longevity, naked mole rats show an unusual resistance to cancer. Multi-year observations of large naked mole-rat colonies did not detect a single incidence of cancer. Here we identify a mechanism responsible for the naked mole rat’s cancer resistance. We found that naked mole-rat fibroblasts secrete extremely high-molecular-mass hyaluronan (HA), which is over five times larger than human or mouse HA. This high-molecular-mass HA accumulates abundantly in naked mole-rat tissues owing to the decreased activity of HA-degrading enzymes and a unique sequence of hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2). ... We speculate that naked mole rats have evolved a higher concentration of HA in the skin to provide skin elasticity needed for life in underground tunnels. This trait may have then been co-opted to provide cancer resistance and longevity to this species.

A. This trait may have then been co-opted to provide cancer resistance and longevity to this species.
B. This high-molecular-mass HA accumulates abundantly in naked mole-rat tissues owing to the decreased activity of HA-degrading enzymes and a unique sequence of hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2).
C. We found that naked mole-rat fibroblasts secrete extremely high-molecular-mass hyaluronan (HA), which is over five times larger than human or mouse HA.
D. We speculate that naked mole rats have evolved a higher concentration of HA in the skin to provide skin elasticity needed for life in underground tunnels.

According to the description listed below, choose the right readers.* Read the methods section and anything else that helps them finding a solution;* Big knowledge gap;‏* Possibly readers from a different area, looking for a method that can be used in their area;‏* Looking for clear introduction with many references.

A. The solution seeker
B. The young researcher
C. The field intelligence gatherer
D. The competitor
