
— Let’s ____ basketball.— That ____ good.

A.playing; is
B.play; sounds
C.play; is sound
D.to play; sounds


一、单词匹配题:1. loyalty 2. heartwarming 3. belong 4. devote 5. accompany6. publish 7. reunion8. frequently9. escape 10. althoughA. 属于B. 逃离 C. 献身于 D. 尽管E. 陪伴F. 频繁地G. 忠诚的 H. 团聚I. 使人幸福的 J. 发表

翻译题1.There is a simple but heartwarming movie about love and loyalty. It is based on a true story behind a bronze statue of an Akita dog outside of a train station in Tokyo, Japan.2.The film start with a young boy telling the story of a dog which belongs to his grandfather, Parker Wilson, a professor who goes to work by train everyday.

吸入喷雾剂的雾滴(粒)大小应控制在( )

A. 500μm以下
B. 50μm以下
C. 10μm以下
D. 1μm以下

下列关于气雾剂的概念叙述正确的是( )

A. 系指药物与适宜抛射剂封装于具有特制阀门系统的耐压容器中而制成的制剂
B. 是借助于手动泵的压力将药液喷成雾状的制剂
C. 系指微粉化药物与载体以胶囊、泡囊或高剂量储存形式,采用特制的干粉吸入装置,由患者主动吸入雾化药物的制剂
D. 系指微粉化药物与载体以胶囊、泡囊储存形式装于具有特制阀门系统的耐压密封容器中而制成的制剂
