A. 对
B. 错
有人说风筝的前身是一种能终日飞行的木鸟。但更可能的是斗笠被大风吹起时产生的灵感让古人发明了风筝Legends say that inspiration for kites was a wooden bird flying all day. Most likely, people ____ a hat blown off by the wind and ____ feng zheng
还有些传说古代的将军令人用牛皮作巨大的风筝绑上竹哨. 发出恐怖的声音以瓦解敌方的士气____ also say that a general bound bamboo whistles on a huge feng zheng made of ox hide. The kite made horrible sounds to _____.
或者将情报写在风筝上送达远方.将风筝用于军事仅仅是传说而已.说到底风筝还是一种玩具Other versions say he wrote ____ on feng zheng and sent them to his troops. The ____ of kites was just ____. After all, fengzheng are toys