
2004年8月12日,甲从某海关进入我国境内,入境时,甲未携带任何物品。2004年9月12日,甲出境时在行李中夹带价值近5万元的玉器,未进行任何申报,经该海关绿色通道通过,在经过安检机时被发现。某海关认为,甲的行为违反了海关法关于进出境物品的所有人应当向海关如实申报,并接受海关查验的规定,属于走私行为,决定给予甲没收所携带玉器的处罚。甲不服,向上一级海关申请复议。上一级海关作出行政复议决定后,甲仍不服。向人民法院提出行政诉讼。请根据案情回答下列各题。 行政诉讼基本原则中,是行政诉讼所特有的,最能反映行政诉讼的精神和价值取向的一项是( )。

A. 人民法院依法独立行使审判权原则
B. 以事实为依据,以法律为准绳原则
C. 当事人的诉讼地位平等原则
D. 对具体行政行为进行合法性审查原则



设W为二维数组,其中每个数据元素占用6个字节,行下标i从0到8 ,列下标j从2到5,W中第6行的元素和第4列的元素共占用()个字节。

A. 78
B. 72
C. 66
D. 84

图的存储结构主要有邻接表和 (1) ,若用邻接表来存储一个图,则需要保存一个 (2) 存储的结点表和若干个 (3) 存储的关系表(又称边表)。 (3) ()

Virtualization is an approach to IT that pools and shares (1) so that utilization is optimized and supplies automatically meet demand. Traditional IT environments are often silos, where both technology and human (2) are aligned around an application or business function. With a virtualized (3) , people, processes7 and technology are focused on meeting service levels, (4) is allocated dynamically, resources are optimized, and the entire infrastructure is simplified and flexible. We offer a broad spectrum of virtualization (5) that allows customers to choose the most appropriate path and optimization focus for their IT infrastructure resources. (5)

A. solutions
B. networks
C. interfaces
D. connections
