(Look at) the beautiful (flowers) here! (How) wonderful they (are smelling).
A. Look at
B. flowers
C. How
D. are smelling
With oil prices keeping______, people are hesitating whether to buy a car or not.
A. rising
B. arising
C. raising
D. arousing
RNI制订基础是( )
A. 膳食营养供给量
B. 营养生理需要量
C. 营养质量指数
D. 食品水份活性
E. 人体每日容许摄入量
短时间内吸入大量的聚四氟乙烯热解气后,出现的症状有( )
A. 震颇
B. 腹痛、腹泻
C. 发热及感冒样症状
D. 神经系统症状
E. 贫血