
下列选项对世界贸易组织的机构描述不正确的是( )。

A. WTO的总干事由总理事会任命
B. 部长级会议可以决定设立委员会
C. WTO设立秘书处,由总干事领导
D. 为了研究和报告相关事务可以设立临时性机构,而决定则要由相关理事会作出


下列选项关于争端解决程序表述错误的是( )。

A. 争端解决的期限,从专家组设立到争端解决机构诵过专家组报告一般不超过9个月
B. 争端解决的期限,在启动了上诉程序时延长到12个月
C. 磋商不是申请设立专家组的程序性条件
D. 争端解决机构通过的上诉机构的报告,争端各方应当五条件的接收

English ______ in many schools in our country.

A. [A] is taught
B. [B] taught
C. [C] has taught

Could you make her _______ laughing

A. [A] stop
B. [B] stopping
C. [C] to stop

To strengthen a friendly relationship, people ______.

A. must hold friendship ceremonies
B. have to eliminate differences in background
C. should make friends with those who are of the same age and of the same race
D. should support and understand each other through shared experiences and emotions
