Which of the following problems has occurred when a message appears on the system console indicating that a dump must be copied to external media? ()
A. The external dump device is full.
B. The dump device was not mirrored before the dump happened.
C. The boot failed while copying the dump from paging space to a file.
D. The dump device was not set to a paging device before the dump happened.
A. BootoffdisketteandchangebootdevicetoCD
B. Changethebootlistfornormalmodeandreboot
C. Rebootandpress5/F5afterkeyboardisdisplayedonthescreen
D. PressentertoopenSPmenusonceOKisshowingintheLEDs
B. AuserbelongingtoDSS_QUERIEScanlogintoanewsessionbutthesessionwillbequeued
C. TheCPU_WAIT_TIMEcolumnindicatesthetotaltimethatsessionsintheconsumergroupwaitedfortheCPUduetoresourcemanagement.
D. TheCPU_WAIT_TIMEcolumnindicatesthetotaltimethatsessionsintheconsumergroupwaitedfortheCPUduetoresourcemanagement,I/Owaits,andlatchorenqueuecontention
A system administrator can create logical volumes and then add file systems to them, or create the file system directly. What is an advantage of the two-step approach instead of the one-step approach?()
A. The number of bytes per inode can be specified.
B. Placement of the filesystem on the disk can be specified.
C. The jfslog can be specified on creation of the filesystem.
D. Either a JFS or JFS2 filesystem can be created on the logical volume.
B. nin-tocheck-adebug=yes