某机电安装公司承包了一化工厂氮氢压缩工段的机电安装工程。其中的氮氢压缩机为多段活塞式,工作压力32MPa,电机与压缩机由齿式联轴器连接。压缩机的冷却水为循环式,水池由自来水系统供水,水池液面由浮球阀控制。 安装任务完成,项目部根据批准的试运转方案进行了比较充分的准备,试运转的其他条件均已具备,只是浮球阀刚刚买来安装上没有来得及试验,操作人员刚刚实习回来,经过口头了解,可以操作。于是项目经理决定开始单机试运转。 在试生产过程中,发现一台压缩机振动较大。经查安装记录证明,垫铁设置合理并已定位焊牢,地脚螺栓设置合格;再查阅随机技术质量文件,该机出厂试验合格。压缩机振动大的原因可能有哪些?应该由谁来处理?
A. 不构成违法行为
B. 按照沙发的标价12000元,金额已经超过了5000元,故商场的行为违反了《关于禁止有奖销售活动中不正当竞争行为的若干规定》第四条的规定
C. 商场的行为属于欺骗性有奖销售
You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. The network contains Windows Server 2003 file servers. The network also contains a Windows Server 2003 computer named Server1 that runs Routing and Remote Access and Internet Authentication Service (IAS). Server1 provides VPN access to the network for users’ home computers. You suspect that an external unauthorized user is attempting to access the network through Server1. You want to log the details of access attempts by VPN users when they attempt to access the network. You want to compare the IP addresses of users’ home computers with the IP addresses used in the access attempts to verify that the users are authorized. You need to configure Server1 to log the details of access attempts by VPN users. What should you do? ()
A. Configure the system event log to Do not overwrite.
B. In IAS, in Remote Access Logging, enable the Authentication requests setting.
Configure the Remote Access server to Log all events.
D. Create a custom remote access policy and configure it for Authentication-Type.
A. 硬质合金刀片铣刀
B. 高速钢立铣刀
C. 高速钢端面铣刀