A. 下级服从上级
B. 物质利益
C. 关系协调
D. 局部服从整体
A. 客户以自有资金归还打包放款后,会计部门要根据客户要求将国外银行汇入的款项结汇或原币入账
B. 结汇归还打包放款后还有剩余的,会计部门要将剩余款项划入客户结算账户
C. 一旦出现部分拒付、短装、汇率变动等导致结汇后不足以归还,客户经理要向客户追索剩余款项
D. 客户收汇后不足于归还打包放款部分,农行无追索权
A. 2月1日
B. 2月下旬
C. 6月1日
D. 1月1日
How would you characterize the source and type in a denial of service attack on a router?()
A. By perfornubg a show ip interface to see the type and source of the attack based upon the access-listmatches
By performing a show interface to see the transmitted load "txload" and receive load "rxload" ;if the interface utilization is not maxed out ,there is no attack underway
C. By setting up an access-list to permit all ICMP,TCP,and UDP traffic with the log or log-input commands,then use the show access-list and show log commands to determine the type and sourceof attack
D. By applying an access-list to all incoming and outgoing interfaces,turning off route-cache on all interfaces,then,when telnetting into the router perform a debug IP packet detail