A. 古代消防安全管理
B. 近代消防安全管理
C. 现代消防安全管理
D. 原始消防安全管理
A. 当街卖唱
B. 当街乞讨
C. 当街卖艺
D. 把西服变卖掉
刘某,46岁,在某市工地上打零工,妻子和儿子在一家超市工作。一家人收入不高,生活过得平平淡淡,但他们也很知足。后来刘某在工作中经常伴随轻微乏力、发热等不适症状,碍于工作原因,刘某没有及时到医院检查。然而不久前,刘某又出现腹泻、腹痛、右肩酸痛等加重症状,在家人劝说下,才同意妻子陪同他到某市重点医院检查,没有想到刘某已经是癌症晚期,还有两个月的存活期。刘某一直不能接受自己的病情,经常乱发脾气,摔坏家具,多次偷偷流泪大哭,这对他们家庭是个沉重打击,一家人陷入悲伤境地,使全家人情绪低落,失去生活的方向。 问题:假如你是一位医务社会工作者,请设计一份为刘某及其家庭提供临终关怀服务的方案。
You are the Exchange administrator of the Xxx Corporation’s Exchange organization.You have a Mailbox server in a cluster continuous replication (CCR) environment.When a lossy failover occurs, the system automatically re-delivers the recent e-mail messages sent to users on the failed clustered mailbox server.You want to ensure that if another lossy failover occurs, then all mail will be re-delivered, even if there were a large amount of messages sent before the lossy failover occurred.You also want to increase the time a message will be retained by a Hub Transport Server to ensure that messages are not lost in transit.What should you configure?()
A. Use the New-JournalRule cmdlet with the WhatIf switch
B. Use the Set-TransportConfig cmdlet with the MaxDumpsterTime parameter
C. Use the Set-TransportRule cmdlet with the FromScope switch
D. Use the Set-MailboxDatabase cmdlet with the MailboxRetention switch