A. 立即予垂体后叶素静滴止血
B. 健侧卧位
C. 患侧卧位
D. 平卧位
E. 保证有效血容量,必要时输血
F. 行纤维支气管镜明确出血部位
G. 行肺增强CT检查
H. 保持气道通畅和防止气道填塞
I. 坐位
J. 必要时可行支气管动脉栓塞
K. 加强抗结核力度
Your system has been upgraded from Oracle Database 10g to Oracle Database 11g. You imported SQL Tuning Sets (STS) from the previous version. After changing the OPTIMIZER_FEATURE_ENABLE parameter to and running the SQL Performance Analyzer, you observed performance regression for a few SQL statements. What would you do with these SQL statements?()
A. Set OPTIMIZER_USE_PLAN_BASELINES to FALSE to prevent the use of regressed plans.
B. Capture the plans from the previous version using STS and then load them into the stored outline.
Capture the plans from the previous version using STS and then load them into SQL Management Base (SMB)
D. Set OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES to FALSE to prevent the plans from being loaded to the SQL plan baseline.
A. 正确
B. 错误