The dangerous semicircle of a typhoon in the Southern Hemisphere is that area().
A. measured from due south clockwise 180°
B. measured from due south counterclockwise 180°
C. to the left of the storm's track
D. ahead of the typhoon measured from the storm's track to 90°on each side
A. 正确
B. 错误
设计投标书的评审中,设计方案评审的内容主要包括( )。
A. 设计指导思想是否正确
B. 工艺流程是否先进
C. 设备选型的美观性
D. 总体布置的合理性,场地利用系数是否合理
E. 设计产品方案是否反映国内外同类工程项目较先进的水平